Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Responsible Corporates - update1

And today it is ITPL . Have a look at the photographs. I work with a organization which has office in ITPL. I have started talking to the ITPL admins.


Anonymous said...

Great going Ravi.Can we do something about the indiscrimnate killing of stray dogs in Bangalore?

Ravi said...

Thanks a lot Sushruta!
But on the "killing of stray dogs" we have a difference of opinion.
-- Ravi

Me said...

No probs...

Ushasi said...

Good to see people concerned about changing things in Bangalore.
Way to go!:)

Ravi said...

Not me alone there are a other ppl too with me in fight. Checkout my links to blog section. We also plan to have a group working physically on it, rather than fighting vertually.
Will you like to join us?