Friday, April 13, 2007

Who is responsible for the power cuts and how??

Power –cuts <-> Bangalore

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
According to one this blog by The Bangalorean, there are power-cuts in Bangalore. I think there are power-cuts all over India. But who is/are responsible for this, candidates are
The public (Aam Junta)
The Government
The Electricity generating and distributing agencies
I think all above are culprits. Your opinion please ….
-- Ravi


Anonymous said...

I Feel the Aam Janta is responsible for this as the People working with EB also consider as Aam Janta !!!If all Aam Junta is change them self we can see the improvement in all the field whether it’s Corruption or any other prob what we face in day to day life .

Ravi said...

You answered "who", but dint answer "How".
-- Ravi

Anonymous said...

That's what i say Ravi .. plz have look again to my old Comments
"If all Aam Junta is change them self we can see the improvement in all the field whether it’s Corruption or any other prob what we face in day to day life . "